Peacock feather bracelet-Keiki Color Pop Bracelets

Color Metallic Pink
Mantra Aloha Amazing Day in Paradise Beach Girl Deep are our Roots Enjoy the Journey Hawaii Coordinates Juss B Mana Liv-n-Aloha North Shore

“Aloha is the unconditional desire to promote the true good of other people in a friendly spirit out of a sense of kinship.”- Abraham Akaka

This quote captures the spirit of Aloha and these bracelets are a fun reminder to explore this wonderful land and always know that we are all connected. 

Wraps 4-5 times. Each bracelet comes with a mantra, pick the one that speaks to you. 

  • Length: 18" 
  • Colors: Metallic Pink, Golden or Black.
  • Materials: U.S. made leather. Brass bar. Lobster clasp
  • Collection: Saìs Hawaii x Leighton Lam